
Eradicate your troubles with back pain! Our chiropractic techniques are effective with proven success.

Joint Pain Relief

Improving biomechanics can eliminate the stress that contributes to joint pain & arthritic degeneration.

Auto Accident Injury

Early treatment promotes faster healing and can help eliminate chronic conditions from developing.

Headache Relief

A simple chiropractic adjustment can help assure headaches happen much less often & are much less painful.

Chiropractor in Albuquerque

It has been the mission of Albuquerque Alternative Health to educate and adjust the individuals and families in our community towards optimal health through natural chiropractic care.
Dr Adam Downs

Chiropractic Services & Conditions

Herniated Disc

Restoring proper mechanics with chiropractic adjustments can alleviate pain & numbness due to degenerative disc disease, herniated discs & ruptured discs.

Auto Accident Care

An auto accident can lead to a wide range of physical problems beyond the initial impact. Getting the proper treatment is key to rapid and full recovery.

Back Pain

Chiropractic adjustments help to align the spine and alleviate common symptoms related to back and neck pain without meds or surgery.

Rehabilitative Exercises

We develop individualized exercise plans suited for your specific needs & abilities. Rehabilitative exercise is effective for injury & painful chronic conditions!

Joint Pain

Chiropractic provides several tested therapies for joint dysfunction to help reduce swelling, relieve pain and restore mobility.

Neck Pain

Neck pain due to poor posture and ‘text neck’ are common conditions that people are experiencing today. Corrections can alleviate neck pain and headaches.


Numbness, tingling, burning and sharp pain in hands, feet and toes are symptoms of peripheral neuropathy. Treatment can help restore quality of life.


A bulging or ruptured disc can irritate the sciatic nerve & cause pain. A quick & specific series of spinal adjustments can potentially relieve you from pain.


Free yourself of migraines, cluster headaches, stress headaches, anxiety related headaches, cervicogenic (neck pain related) headaches & tension headaches.

Dedicated To Your Health & Wellness

At Albuquerque Alternative Health we have experience treating many diverse conditions and our compassion puts our patients at ease.

Dr. Adam V. Downs treats your whole self, not just focusing on individual symptoms but considering how these symptoms affect the entirety of your nerve network. You can come in, discuss your problem with us and find out whether we can help you with the natural healing techniques of chiropractic care.

What patients are saying about us…

STICK TO HIS PLAN & IT WORKS! Dr. Downs has been an answered prayer in my life. I met him several Groupon years ago & he told me then; that my neck was going to cause me issues. After my job loss, I stopped going because I couldn’t afford his plan at the time. Several yrs later knock knock here are the health issues Dr. Downs advised were going to appear; anywhere from the chronic migraines to the sciatica neuropathy. If anyone has experienced any of those know the pain… I had to suck up my pride and go back to Dr. Downs. Thankfully he’s a humble, honest man we came up with my own individual plan to include my somatic therapy. I am happy to say that IS WORKING! There are times he’s knocking my shoes off to crying with years of trauma release. It’s magical… Not to mention losing a few pounds or two. HE’S THE REAL DEAL! Cindy his receptionist not only is kind & compassionate. Miss Magic Hands Crystal, well she hits that sciatica like no one’s business! Sophia who runs a fantastic Med Spa who is also part of Dr. Downs great choices in my healing journey. I thank each of you personally! 


Doctor Downs has helped all my family members with different issues. One with headaches due to tmj, another low back from driving and another just overall adjustments for back and hip pain. They are all happy

Linda C.

Call or Text (505) 292-5875

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