STICK TO HIS PLAN & IT WORKS! Dr. Downs has been an answered prayer in my life. I met him several Groupon years ago & he told me then; that my neck was going to cause me issues. After my job loss, I stopped going because I couldn’t afford his plan at the time. Several yrs later knock knock here are the health issues Dr. Downs advised were going to appear; anywhere from the chronic migraines to the sciatica neuropathy. If anyone has experienced any of those know the pain… I had to suck up my pride and go back to Dr. Downs. Thankfully he’s a humble, honest man we came up with my own individual plan to include my somatic therapy. I am happy to say that IS WORKING! There are times he’s knocking my shoes off to crying with years of trauma release. It’s magical… Not to mention losing a few pounds or two. HE’S THE REAL DEAL! Cindy his receptionist not only is kind & compassionate. Miss Magic Hands Crystal, well she hits that sciatica like no one’s business! Sophia who runs a fantastic Med Spa who is also part of Dr. Downs great choices in my healing journey. I thank each of you personally!
